Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week7-Independent Task-EXP1 SUBMISSION

Five Recreated Scenes(Draft&Final)

Last character of my last name:I
Last number of my student ID:9

The letter and number combination for my island is I and 9. I've used two strategies to reveal and conceal the letter/number combination. They're placement of objects and the shape of the terrain. First, based on my letter&number, I created my shape of island, this is for macro scale. Second, I've created rivers and cliffs to match the shape of selected letter&number. Then, I've also used the vegetation by different placement of letter or number. At same time, if I put the shadows on, change the time of day and direction of the sun, the shadows of vegetation either reveal my letter&number.
Five Scales of Letters and Numbers
(from macro to micro, scale1 is the smallest, scale5 is the largest)

Scale 1

Scale 2

Scale 3

Scale 4

Scale 5
EXP1-The Island Trailer
The trailer is about a man who is an explorer lost on an unknown island. He feels so anxious and vigilant. The island is huge, he starts to find the way to get off here. 

 Zipped FreeSDK folder

Week7-Tutorial Task

Week6-Independent Task

Week6-Tutorial task

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week5-Independent Tasks

The  terrain of  island is made of cliff, snow mountain, sand ground, rivers, waterfalls and rocks and with abundant vegetations. I'm also gonna create roads, caves and houses later on to make this island looks lively. However, this island is situated at far away from livable cities,  and therefore can hardly seen people here. The mixed and complex terrain, and fierce animals to make this island very dangerous.


Week5-Tutorial Tasks

My island is based on last number(9) of my student of ID and last letter(I) of my first name.
Developing my island